Woolhope Secondary School
Faith and Hope
Woolhope Secondary School, situated in Malabar, Port Elizabeth, opened its doors for quality education on 19 January 1971. 451 learners of Indian origin enroled on that first day.The staff consisted of just 22 and today, Woolhope is a thriving and truly a non-racial,multi - cultural school with a learner population of 1049 and a staff complement of 42. Where as it started with a learner base that was purely Indian ( as per the apartheid laws of the that time). Today it is truly a modern South African School, with learners coming from all parts of the city and from all ethnic backgrounds.
Similarly only the staff has transformed to reflect our rainbow nation. The school therefore has a proud heritage within the last 43 years, producing many influencial persons in a variety of fields, i.e medical, legal, education, business, entertainment, sports,local government,industry,etc. The school is situated on a campus in Malabar, Port Elizabeth that is truly park like,with lush vegetation, trees and gardens surrounding it. Woolhope Secondary school believes we provide a safe harmonious enviroment,for our learners to thrive and grow,expressing their potential both in the class and on the sports field

Mzali App Tutorial
Mzali is a proudly South African innovation focused on maintaining control, security for learners and also act as a communication partner between schools and parents.
Offering a convenient access to learners’ performance. The App/Web App gives an individual performance of a learner, which is only accessed by the parents at a fingertip.
The app offers 100% solution to problems faced by most parents, learners and schools/ the Department of Education.
Download from Google PlayStore or the Apple Store
I. Muller (Manny)

Woolhope Secondary School has had so much to offer since opening its doors 50 years ago. Woolhope has been put on the map through our sports accomplishments and various academic achievements.When we are proud of our learners then we make it known to all ,so we will be honouring our learners for all the hardwork they have proven to us since attending Woolhope Secondary School. It has been 6 years since we launched the Schools website with the help of the Alumni. We will be updating our website to keep our followers up to date with sport,achievements,exams etc.
For further info please send me an email
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Tel and address information
Office information:
5 Saliehout Street
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel: (041) 457-1122
Fax: (041) 457-3011
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